Konference MEFANET nabídne i letos atraktivní plenární sekce a odborné workshopy, kterých se tradičně účastní významní odborníci a experti z daných oblastí.
Řečnící v plenárních sekcích
Sokratis Nifakos, MSc.Karolinska Institutet, Laboratory for Emerging Technologies (LET), Department of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics (LIME), Stockholm, Švédsko
Transforming Higher Education Using Mobility Solutions Mobile technology allows the development of new practical tools for transforming the traditional academic settings to mobile learning (m-learning) ones. Different sides have been affected in the University organization: The University Campus environment has been adjusted to modern mobile tools and by that it can cover various needs of the staff and the students. Personalized information is now available everywhere allowing the interaction between students’ and teachers’ in real time without the need to be physically present in a class. The students’ study environment is facilitated since there is a wide access in different tools. Moreover, new ways of teaching methods arise with mobile tools. For instance, augmented reality is a promising technology for enhancing medical education since it may provide practical skills training. It would be also used as a tool for presenting more understandable content, such 3d images, videos and audio besides the classical book text. |
Christos Vaitsis, MSc.Karolinska Institutet, Center for Learning and Knowledge, Stockholm, Švédsko
Visual Analytics in Medical Education The big data present in the medical curriculum that informs undergraduate medical education is beyond human abilities to perceive and analyze. The medical curriculum is the main tool used by teachers and directors to plan, design, and deliver teaching and assessment activities and student evaluations in medical education in a continuous effort to improve it. Big data remains largely unexploited for medical education improvement purposes. The emerging research field of visual analytics has the advantage of combining data analysis and manipulation techniques, information and knowledge representation, and human cognitive strength to perceive and recognize visual patterns. Nevertheless, there is a lack of research on the use and benefits of visual analytics in medical education. |